Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Star-Spangled Banner in Spanish Translation

'Star-Spangled Banner' in Spanish Translation Works of literature can be especially hard to translate well, as the majesty of the language and connotations of certain words can be lost. That is especially true of songs, where the rhythm and poetry of the original language can be lost as well. But that doesnt keep translators from trying. No fewer than four translators have made serious, recognized attempts to translate The Star-Spangled Banner, although not all have tried to make the words singable. How well did they do? Judge for yourself: Traducido por Francis Haffkine Snow, 1919 Amanece:  ¿no veis, a la luz de la aurora,Lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?Sus estrellas, sus barras flotaban ayerEn el fiero combate en seà ±al de victoria,Fulgor de cohetes, de bombas estruendo,Por la noche decà ­an: !Se va defendiendo! Coro:!Oh, decid!  ¿Despliega aà ºn su hermosura estrellada,Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada? En la costa lejana que apenas blanquea,Donde yace nublada la hueste ferozSobre aquel precipicio que elà ©vase atroz ¡Oh, decidme!  ¿Quà © es eso que en la brisa ondea?Se oculta y flamea, en el alba luciendo,Reflejada en la mar, donde va resplandeciendo Coro:!Aà ºn allà ­ desplegà ³ su hermosura estrellada,Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!  ¡Oh asà ­ sea siempre, en lealtad defendamosNuestra tierra natal contra el torpe invasor!A Dios quien nos dio paz, libertad y honor,Nos mantuvo nacià ³n, con fervor bendigamos.Nuestra causa es el bien, y por eso triunfamos.Siempre fue nuestro lema  ¡En Dios confiamos! Coro:!Y desplegar su hermosura estrellada,Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada! Traductor desconocido Oh, decidme,  ¿veis a la primera luz de la auroraLa que izamos con orgullo al à ºltimo rayo del crepà ºsculo,Cuyas anchas bandas y brillantes estrellas, en la fiera luchaContemplamos ondeando gallardas sobre las murallas? El resplandor rojizo de los cohetes y el fragor de las bombasProbaban que por la noche nuestra bandera aà ºn estaba allà ­.Oh, decidme,  ¿flota todavà ­a la enseà ±a estrellada y listadaSobre la tierra de los libres y la patria de los valientes? En la costa apenas perceptible entre las nieblas del marDonde la altiva hueste enemiga reposa en temeroso silencio, ¿Quà © es lo que la brisa al soplar oculta en parteY en parte descubre su elevado pedestal? Ahora recibe el destello del primer rayo matutinoReflejado en todo su esplendor, y ahora se destaca en el aire ¡Es la enseà ±a estrellada y listada! Que ondee largos aà ±osSobre la tierra de los libres y la patria de los valientes.  ¿Y dà ³nde est aquella banda que engreà ­da jurabaQue el torbellino de la guerra y la confusià ³n del combateNos privarà ­a para siempre de patria y hogar?La sangre ha lavado la mancha de sus pasos desleales. Ningà ºn refugio pudo salvar al mercenario y al esclavoDel terror de la fuga o de la lobreguez del sepulcro.Y la enseà ±a estrellada y listada ondea triunfanteSobre la tierra de los libres y la patria de los valientes. Asà ­ sea siempre, cuando los hombres libres se interponganEntre sus amados hogares y la desolacià ³n de la guerra:En la victoria y la paz, este paà ­s, socorrido por el cielo,Alabe al Poder que nos creà ³ y conservà ³ como Nacià ³n. Hemos de triunfar, pues nuestra causa es tan justa,Y sea nuestra divisa:  ¡En Dios est nuestra confianza!Y la bandera estrellada y listada flotar triunfanteSobre la tierra de los libres y la patria de los valientes. Traducido por Manuel Fernndez Juncos El dà ­a renace y alegra la auroraTransmite al oriente su vivo color, ¿No ves la bandera que ayer saludamosAl à ºltimo tenue reflejo del sol?Ondeaba en el muro durante la luchaDe franjas y estrellas luciendo el matiz. Y al fuego rojizo de bombas marcialesLa vimos de noche tremolando allà ­.  ¿Quà © es eso que al aire se agita y flamea,Allà ­ sobre el monte cercano al marCual signo que anuncia cordial despedidaAl fuerte enemigo que triste se va? ¡Es nuestra bandera!El sol de la gloria la envuelve y la baà ±a en và ­vida luz. Mirad como ahora se extiende arroganteMostrando su blanco, su rojo y su azul. La turba enemiga que en local jactanciaJurà ³ despojarnos de patria y hogar ¿A dà ³nde se ha ido?Ya cruza las olas;Se siente pequeà ±a donde hay libertad. ¡Que asà ­ siempre sea; cuando un pueblo dignoEl yugo sacude de fiera opresià ³n!  ¡El cielo liberte los pueblos que luchanSi es justa su causa y esperan en Dios! La paz y el trabajo propicios nos haganLlegar a la meta de nuestro deber..Llevando por guà ­as la ciencia y la gloriaLlevando por lema virtud y poder.De estrellas y franjas la noble banderaMantà ©ngase libre de mancha y baldà ³n. Y alcemos al cielo, por nuestra victoriaDe pueblos honrados la grata oracià ³n. Traducido por Guillermo F. Hall Oh, decid:  ¿podeis ver, al rayar de la aurora loQue vimos anoche orgullosos flotar?La estrellada bandera, tremolando altanera, encumbrada enLa torre y excitando luchar!Y a la luz de la roja, fulgurante centella, laBandera ondeaba, ondeaba ms bella;Y a travà ©s de la densa humareda inflamada,Con quà © orgullo miramos la bandera ondear!  ¡El pendà ³n de la Patria, la bandera estrellada,Encumbrada en la almena convidando a luchar! Oh! decid,  ¿todavà ­a contemplais la bandera,La estrellada bandera,Sobre suelo de libres que defienden su hogar? A travà ©s de la niebla, de la mar a la orillaIracundo enemigo nos atisba a marchar. ¿Quà © es aquello que ondula, que flamea y simulaUn enjambre de estrellas refulgiendo en el mar?Ya del alba recoge la primer llamarada;Ya se oculta en la niebla, ya aparece inflamada;Ya ostentando sus glorias se refleja en el rà ­o;Ya sus franjas y estrellas nos deslumbran al par.  ¡El pendà ³n de la Patria, tremolando bravioY flamenado en la almena nos incita a luchar!  ¡El pendà ³n de la Patria, la estrellada bandera,Tremolando altaneraSobre suelo de libres que defienden su hogar!  ¿Dà ³nde est la falange enemiga y aleveQue con vana porfà ­a se atreviera a jurarQue al fragor de la guerra, en la lucha que aterra,Perderà ­amos patria y familia y hogar? ¡Con su sangre lavara la verguenza inferidaDe su paso a la hulla por la tierra querida!Encontrar no podrà ­a un refugio el taimado,Que en su fuga oprobiosa la pudiera salvarDel terror de esa fuga, del morir angustiadoCon el ansia del triunfo que no pudo alcanzar.Mientras tanto tremola la estrellada banderaY triunfante, altanera,Sobre suelo de libres nos custodia el hogarSiempre asà ­, cuando altivo se levante el patriotaDefendiendo su suelo, su familia y su hogar. La radiante victoria lo circunde de gloria, ¡Y bendiga al Eterno que lo hiciera triunfar!Y pues Dios nos asiste y la lucha es tan santa,Y el pendà ³n de la Patria nos alienta y levanta,Conservemos la Patria, el hogar que adoramos,Y adoptamos por lema, sacrosanto y sin par: ¡Sea Dios nuestro guà ­a; en su apoyo confiamos!  ¡Justiciera es la causa que nos manda a luchar,Y el pendà ³n de la Patria, la estrellada bandera,Tremolando altanera,Sobre suelo de libres nos conserve el hogar!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bilbo Baggins - The Hobbit essays

Bilbo Baggins - The Hobbit essays The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolken is a story about a hobbit going on a journey. The team consists of thirteen dwarfs and one hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is chosen to go on the adventure by a magical wizard named Gandalf. He chooses Bilbo because he thinks that he has the potential and will be useful to the dwarfs, also not to mention that thirteen is an unlucky number. The group does not understand why Gandalf chooses Bilbo because he is very afraid of adventures. Sorry! I dont want any adventures, thank you, Bilbo says to Gandalf when he asks him to go on an adventure. Nevertheless, he loves materialistic things too much, and is a plain out coward. Bilbo is afraid of adventures because he loves his house too much and does not like to go anywhere out-side his nice hobbit hole in the hill. Bilbos house is in the side of a hill and has a round door. His home is full of warmth and food. He loves his cakes that he bakes and smoking his pipe. When they first set off Bilbo forgets his handkerchief, pipe, and cakes. But I come with out my hat, and I have left my pocket-handkerchief behind, and I havent got any money, says Bilbo when he realizes what he has left behind. He is going nuts thinking that he will never make it through with out those items. Next, when they get captured Bilbo relies on Galdalf to get them out. Which Gandalf does, but then on their next encounter Bilbo has to stand up for himself. When he gets lost in the tunnels and finds the ring, that is when he starts to believe in himself. He makes it out and later on uses it to help out his friends. He starts to get his self-confidence here. When they reach the mountain where Smague the dragon is, that is where you can tell that Bilbos character has developed. He talks with the dragon in confidence and he believes in himself. When everyone is fighting over the gold and the war is about to happ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Decision Making - Essay Example Reason for colleting the primary and secondary data for the given business problem helps to reach the authentic decision to advice the clients in Spain, France and Italy. As the manager of the company, preparation of most suitable plan for primary and secondary data collection is very much necessary. â€Å"Data Collection helps your team to assess the health of your process. To do so, you must identify the key quality characteristics, you will measure, how you will measure them, and what you will do with the data you collect† (Module 7: Data Collection n.d. p. 1). Here I am working for the manager of a property company in UK and also at the same time our company deals with properties in other places like Spain, France and Italy. There are more than 100 clients, who are  interested in buying properties particularly in Spain. That’s the reason why, all these countries are frequently asking questions regarding the property. Taking in to the mind the respondents, it is th e best way to get the information appropriate. This enables to understand various revealed complexities. Primary Data:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Primary research method is one of the widely used methods to collect information from the respondents in order to make the proper decision regarding the sell or renting the property.   The primary methods are used to make the most appropriate decision and also to give advice to the overseas Questioners and survey. Primary research has been selected for the reason that primary research offers the creative information that is required for the function of the study and is primarily required for the study. It is prepared by gathering of primary information. Questionnaires Method:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Questionnaires method is one of methods used to gather information from the target customers to acquire the relevant information. A questionnaire is one of the well-built research apparatus and it encloses the various questions and some of the other suitable matters for the reason of gathering data's from clients. After the information collected from the questionnaire, next step is to study the information with the help tables and charts. The structuring of questionnaire is on the score base, which facilitates the respondent to take the appropriate decision. Majority of the questions in this are based on given situation. This supports the foreign countries to respond without doubt. The questionnaire is arranged in a simple way, which makes him to pursue the pattern in an easy way. Most of the questions are arranged in a simple way, to help the clients to follow the questions easily. Questionnaires consist of 10 main questions that will helps to make the most appropriate decision. The structuring of questionnaire should be cautiously designed in accordance to the preconditions of accuracy and relevance. Questionnaires are an appraisal method, which is very well-known to most educators. â€Å"Questionnaires, paper or elec tronic, consist of a set of questions or items that are designed for a selected group of people, such as teachers, administrators, parents, students, or others. Questionnaires vary in length, focus, and types of items, such as checklists, scaled items or open-ended questions and are particularly useful in gathering data from large groups of people about perceptions, attitudes, intended actions or application of learning† (Preparing to Collect Data n.d.).    Survey Method:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Surveys are one of the approaches used to gather the data's to investigate and make a proper idea regarding the business problem. It is the method that the majority of the organizations use to collect the clients view on given subject. â€Å"The Survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people, who are thought to have desired information. A formal